La recherche a retourné 48 résultats

par doodeaux
mar. 16 nov. 2010, 16:30
Forum : Techniques de jeu avancées
Sujet : Didgeridoo BASS generation - the Kick-Didge!
Réponses : 3
Vues : 2856

Re: Didgeridoo BASS generation - the Kick-Didge!

Mr Fran6, you are always great! For all of you who have been craving for the next episode of our cosmic adventures here it is; and not only that, we had The Incredible Hulk to come and solve the difficult situation; http...
par doodeaux
lun. 18 oct. 2010, 21:13
Forum : Techniques de jeu avancées
Sujet : Didgeridoo BASS generation - the Kick-Didge!
Réponses : 3
Vues : 2856

Didgeridoo BASS generation - the Kick-Didge!

Dear French players, friends, visitors of this place... I have written a little article about my latest sound searches. It is first in the series of articles, and this one is about the bass of didgeridoo that forms the sounds more or less like kick drum. I would be honoured if you find a minute to ...
par doodeaux
dim. 19 sept. 2010, 11:08
Forum : Concerts - Evénements - Rassemblements - Festivals (sauf Airvault)
Sujet : Concert Dubravko Lapaine Abbaye Marbach 12 septmbre 2010
Réponses : 24
Vues : 2618

Re: Concert Dubravko Lapaine Abbaye Marbach 12 septmbre 2010

I must say
thank you.

For me
it was

I was listening
to some old
and to some new

I wasn't playing...

I was just listening.

par doodeaux
dim. 19 sept. 2010, 11:05
Forum : Concerts - Evénements - Rassemblements - Festivals (sauf Airvault)
Sujet : Workshop Dubravko Lapaine, Alsace, 12 septembre 2010
Réponses : 37
Vues : 4190

Re: Workshop Dubravko Lapaine, Alsace, 12 septembre 2010

Since I am a Croatian bastard who forgot his French roots a little bit, I will write this in English, so please forgive me. I must say, from all places where I had workshops and concerts, and I mean all, France is when I feel most at home. The way you treat me is most amazing! I cannot forget, &quo...
par doodeaux
mer. 23 juin 2010, 11:12
Forum : Compositions personnelles didgeridoo
Sujet : Druyd- new album- Dronas... is out!
Réponses : 20
Vues : 2634

Re: Druyd- new album- Dronas... is out!

Hey hey hey! Merci beaucoup! I am so happy you like this! Even Master Zalem likes it! And Mr Triceratops! And it is not a stupid question at all! 1. Daorson - contra D, and B -they are overdubbed - D is for extreme mass and bass, and B is for articulations, and "wind noises" (435 and 205 c...
par doodeaux
dim. 20 juin 2010, 19:01
Forum : Compositions personnelles didgeridoo
Sujet : Druyd- new album- Dronas... is out!
Réponses : 20
Vues : 2634

Druyd- new album- Dronas... is out! out! And you can hear it here; If you like it enough, and you would like to support Druyd, you can also buy it! We will probably make some interviews and some blogs about some songs... but if you have any questions, feel free to drop them (like the drop...
par doodeaux
ven. 18 juin 2010, 9:29
Forum : Galerie de didgeridoos
Sujet : Sagouinerie en Do#
Réponses : 34
Vues : 3963

Re: Sagouinerie en Do#

Good work!
Some really strong things here...
I am becoming your fan more and more!
Deep and low bow
par doodeaux
jeu. 10 juin 2010, 7:38
Forum : Compositions personnelles didgeridoo
Sujet : Little home recording...
Réponses : 12
Vues : 1104

Re: Little home recording...

Do not try and bend the spoon... that's impossible...

And observe the skies... there are many shapes of clouds...


par doodeaux
jeu. 10 juin 2010, 0:30
Forum : Compositions personnelles didgeridoo
Sujet : Little home recording...
Réponses : 12
Vues : 1104

Re: Little home recording...

There is no spoon.
And there are no toots.
There is no suffocating, this is no valso..

Only clouds...and deep... deep shapes clouds... no need to think... no need to go... just stay and flow... with blood of the Universe.


par doodeaux
lun. 07 juin 2010, 16:18
Forum : Compositions personnelles didgeridoo
Sujet : Little home recording...
Réponses : 12
Vues : 1104

Re: Little home recording...

Is that so?

Thank you.


par doodeaux
jeu. 03 juin 2010, 23:03
Forum : Compositions personnelles didgeridoo
Sujet : Little home recording...
Réponses : 12
Vues : 1104

Little home recording...

Hello hello!
While you impatiently wait for the new Druyd album to arrive ;-), you can hear what I do when I am at home, entertaining myself, Danka and the room. Duboki oblici oblaci (Deep shapes clouds) temporarily on
See you again!

My deepest bow,
par doodeaux
ven. 28 mai 2010, 11:24
Forum : Concerts - Evénements - Rassemblements - Festivals (sauf Airvault)
Sujet : Dubravko Lapaine à Dijon !!
Réponses : 275
Vues : 23000

Re: Dubravko Lapaine à Dijon !!

Colas, you are a visionar! Bernardo, you are a bananaman! (did you have this on your TV? ) =) We make this "simple". You pick the spot, and I come. There are so many things we could do, if you take a look at the workshop topics, it is probably mo...
par doodeaux
ven. 28 mai 2010, 1:33
Forum : Concerts - Evénements - Rassemblements - Festivals (sauf Airvault)
Sujet : Dubravko Lapaine à Dijon !!
Réponses : 275
Vues : 23000

Re: Dubravko Lapaine à Dijon !!

pardon my french... ...but you know... when i see you so happy, when i remember all the laughter and smiles, and all the radiance and curiosity... i feel we should make this traditional!!! to witness your connecting was supreme experience! i know i could not follow everything. partly because of my ...
par doodeaux
mer. 26 mai 2010, 12:58
Forum : Concerts - Evénements - Rassemblements - Festivals (sauf Airvault)
Sujet : Dubravko Lapaine à Dijon !!
Réponses : 275
Vues : 23000

Re: Dubravko Lapaine à Dijon !!

PHOOOOAAAAA!!!!!! What love I feel!!! What love I felt! The energies that melt... out limits our prohibits we were free!!! YES- Then I do YES, and I must say, that it's been really good beyond what I can write. I enjoyed so much your smiles, your kisses, your laughs, your playing, your tries, your ...
par doodeaux
ven. 21 mai 2010, 2:31
Forum : Concerts - Evénements - Rassemblements - Festivals (sauf Airvault)
Sujet : Dubravko Lapaine à Dijon !!
Réponses : 275
Vues : 23000

Re: Dubravko Lapaine à Dijon !!

Tonight's concert ended up much later than expected. (But it was PHOAAA!) My plans of departure are gone forever. So I will not arrive as early as I hoped for. 22h is probably a semioptimistic estimate. So please party without me. ;-)
Good night and see you tomorrow!


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