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Little home recording...

Publié : jeu. 03 juin 2010, 23:03
par doodeaux

Hello hello!
While you impatiently wait for the new Druyd album to arrive ;-), you can hear what I do when I am at home, entertaining myself, Danka and the room. Duboki oblici oblaci (Deep shapes clouds) temporarily on
See you again!

My deepest bow,

Re: Little home recording...

Publié : jeu. 03 juin 2010, 23:42
par Sagouin
Oh Dig...

I really like da voice on da toots :mrgreen:

"Everything on balance", slight cough too :happy1:

Thanks Mister :super:

Re: Little home recording...

Publié : ven. 04 juin 2010, 18:53
par Fils_de_poot
A record all softly playing good rythms for our ears.
I guess it's more a rythmic title, but it goes so well with the name you gave it! I can barely imagine clouds containing the rain just floating not so high in the sky...
But as simple as it seems, I smell a kind of complexity hidden deep under. At first listening I felt like "Wow it's almost boring!" and when I thought again about it I felt more like "Wow, it's so simple but it's poetic and... WOW!!!" Just "Wow!" That's it... And I go back for another turn...
You're welcome to come back whenever you want! :mrgreen:

Re: Little home recording...

Publié : ven. 04 juin 2010, 19:23
par choukroute
Very soft and peaceful, thanks :merci:

Funny thing to hear you die from no air (no cruelty intended :mrgreen: ) at the end after seeing you play firedrum !

Also I like the use of nose voice !

Re: Little home recording...

Publié : lun. 07 juin 2010, 16:18
par doodeaux

Is that so?

Thank you.


Re: Little home recording...

Publié : jeu. 10 juin 2010, 0:07
par delfinka
Like Sagouin, I like very much voice on soft toots !
I feel like if there is something missing in this song, other instruments. It could be a very nice part of a Druyd's song.

Re: Little home recording...

Publié : jeu. 10 juin 2010, 0:30
par doodeaux

There is no spoon.
And there are no toots.
There is no suffocating, this is no valso..

Only clouds...and deep... deep shapes clouds... no need to think... no need to go... just stay and flow... with blood of the Universe.


Re: Little home recording...

Publié : jeu. 10 juin 2010, 0:47
par Sagouin
A cup of tea? ;)

Re: Little home recording...

Publié : jeu. 10 juin 2010, 0:55
par delfinka
doodeaux a écrit :
And there are no toots.
In toots I meant the small tongue/lips pulse :siffle:

Re: Little home recording...

Publié : jeu. 10 juin 2010, 7:38
par doodeaux
Do not try and bend the spoon... that's impossible...

And observe the skies... there are many shapes of clouds...



Re: Little home recording...

Publié : jeu. 10 juin 2010, 10:31
par Ahaw





Re: Little home recording...

Publié : jeu. 10 juin 2010, 10:56
par Ipo
Like Mr. Jérôme : Wow !
There are many nice clouds with funny shapes... And there not aggressive... If they bring rain, it's a sweet rain of the end of spring or at the beginning of summer...
So, it's an interesting song...It's open a new way and it can be a new part of a particular famous tree...

The story of the spoon makes me think to an other little story :
When you look a flag floating into the wind... Who's moving ?! The flag ? The wind ? Or your mind ?

ps : géniale la photo du Mt Fuji...!

Re: Little home recording...

Publié : jeu. 10 juin 2010, 21:19
par Sagouin
Oh thanks a lot!
What a true doublebass killa piece :super:
Amazing powerfull and silky :coeur:
Bernardo loves it ;)