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Druyd - Daorson

Publié : mer. 19 mai 2010, 0:17
par doodeaux

Hello again.

I have spent last year exploring new possibilities with didgeridoo, together with my loyal companions in Druyd, creating yet truly uncreated songs. Recently we finished a new album and it will soon be released. This is sort of a pre-release.
The first song on the album is Daorson. Try to listen in on good speakers or good headphones. It is my first attempt to incorporate sound of the deep didgeridoo in "real" music. To be able to hear it, you will have to join the mailing list at the moment, it's the only way... I hope it is not a trouble.
Here is the announcement and the link... Let me know if you have some questions...


DAORSON – first song on the album – the ancient city's life, mysteries, joys and sorrows unravel their story to you
- by two sonic cannons: didgeridoos
- by strings choirs in many exquisite forms and formations: guitars and tamburicas
- and the hard tearing and soft soothing women voices, calling their children, their love, their fears, and at last.. the celestial travelers.. ... 6_20438757

To catch up with Druyd's new songs visit

Re: Druyd - Daorson

Publié : mer. 19 mai 2010, 18:44
par choukroute
Woaw, the sound is fantastic, I hope to hear the album soon !

Re: Druyd - Daorson

Publié : mer. 19 mai 2010, 19:17
par doudou
Woww !

That's sound great !!

I can't stop hearing Daorson, it's an amazing song. Magic wood too :amen:

I hope you have already planed to come in Airvault this year if not, you should right the date on your diarry now. :malin1: :malin1:
Hope to see you at this time, please bring with you some cds of Druyd :perv: :perv:
For the song spatialist, it's already on your solo album isn't it ?

Keep on

PS: Thanks for the free download :)

Re: Druyd - Daorson

Publié : jeu. 20 mai 2010, 0:12
par doodeaux

Thank you!!
It has been a long journey for this sound. I know from didgeridoo- construction of instruments, adjusting the techniques in thousand hour practices, then zillions of microphones game... tests, tests and more tests... then recording process and trying to get maximum performance every time, then mixing... cleaning, compressing, colouring with echos... and at last it ended up at Pink Floyd's engineer for mastering... So I am quite happy you like the sound, because at the moment we don't know how to make it better.;-)

We'll put new music online soon. I will let you know.

Druyd is still free in the time of Airvault, and I know from reliable sources that Druyd would be happy to perform under the cedar trees... Only thing is that there is no response from the organizers... But if you help Druyd to come, you will not have to buy the CD! ;)

Ok, it is a pleasure to come here.

Thank you,

Re: Druyd - Daorson

Publié : jeu. 20 mai 2010, 8:49
par doudou

You could come on your own even if druyd won't play on stage. no ?
And if you aren't going to play under the cedar trees, i'm pretty sure that the free stage will be a very nice place for a few songs of your amazing music :langue2: :langue2: :langue2:

Re: Druyd - Daorson

Publié : jeu. 20 mai 2010, 8:52
par doodeaux

Thank you,


Re: Druyd - Daorson

Publié : jeu. 20 mai 2010, 8:59
par bernardo
Such an idea!

Good one to a great music :coeur: , I agree with Doudou ::d

Re: Druyd - Daorson

Publié : jeu. 20 mai 2010, 9:28
par zalem
Amazing mister Dudo, your didg sound like a "percussion natural synthétiser" :)
congratulation for this work, it's full of emotions...
I hope to see you in France my friends

Re: Druyd - Daorson

Publié : jeu. 20 mai 2010, 9:42
par borisdidier

Re: Druyd - Daorson

Publié : jeu. 20 mai 2010, 10:06
par choukroute
doudou a écrit :Yep,

You could come on your own even if druyd won't play on stage. no ?
And if you aren't going to play under the cedar trees, i'm pretty sure that the free stage will be a very nice place for a few songs of your amazing music :langue2: :langue2: :langue2:
Also if you prefer there is a magic wood behind the festival :happy1:

Re: Druyd - Daorson

Publié : ven. 11 juin 2010, 9:19
par Ahaw
Du nouveau chez Druyd :
> ce SITE WEB avec 3 morceaux en écoute ! :taré1:
> et un CD qui sortira d'ici une semaine !!! :ghee:

Re: Druyd - Daorson

Publié : ven. 11 juin 2010, 11:28
par kurungai

Bien bon tout ça! je regarde actuellement avec Du, le CD sera bientôt sur Didgeridoo Passion. :super:

Re: Druyd - Daorson

Publié : ven. 11 juin 2010, 18:55
par choukroute

"The heaviest wood... album... at all" :hehe:

Re: Druyd - Daorson

Publié : sam. 12 juin 2010, 13:59
Good afternoon
Once again, the magic and the. Thank you.
good life.

Re: Druyd - Daorson

Publié : mar. 22 juin 2010, 10:29
par kurungai

Le CD est dispo sur DP en partenariat avec Du: ... druyd.html

Bonne balade!