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little cosmic models- stories of acoustic telescope

Publié : ven. 02 janv. 2009, 18:34
par doodeaux

Hello again.

I have to practice writing posts here, so after a few months I decided for a double combo and an edit!
I've been doing many things lately, mostly my new album, but it is a long process, and many of those things I do are still undone, but here is finally something that is finished and complete.
It is a work I've done with renowned Hrvoje Nikšić, Croatian underground musician and recording artist, for the SoundLAB 2008, which had a topic: sound compositions as a challenge for imagination.

Our idea was to draw a parallel of small and big Kozmos, and us in between, taking sound as a descriptive substance, and taking real world models which could resemble small or big space objects. After recording, we've approached the process of mixing as of another composing process. So after composing in playing, changes of space reverbrations and sound distortions of teh different recorded models came in the game in the same way melodies or rhythms do.

The result you can listen, and the process you can see at

It is not really pop music, i must warn you, =), but I hope you will find it enjoyable and listenable in its own way.

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Take care all,
