Storytellingstories -didgeridoo show

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Storytellingstories -didgeridoo show

Message par doodeaux »

bon jour!

pardonnez mon francais!
j'ai appris le français il y a beaucoup d'années...
maintenant altavista babel fish aidez un peu

j'ai fait une show de théâtre de didgeridoo en Croatie que je voudrais partager avec vous

vous pouvez jeter un coup d'oeil à

if you have any questions, you can also ask me in english or croatian which i speak a little bit better. especially croatian.

best wishes from zagreb

dubravko lapaine
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Re: Storytellingstories -didgeridoo show

Message par thewill »

nice playing !
But you playing look like pieces of Onderj Smeykal...!
is this a coincidence ?....
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Le polyglotte||La polyglotte
Le polyglotte||La polyglotte
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Inscription : lun. 21 nov. 2005, 17:40
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Re: Storytellingstories -didgeridoo show

Message par freedoo »

welcome on board !
very good show whith very special ambiance, your didjeridoo technic is very good and you play like one of my favouvite player, ondrej smeykal.
But in your show his style is very present, something more personal could be better for your show !
keep going on ! its nice to know other player !
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Inscription : ven. 07 mars 2008, 8:59
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Re: Storytellingstories -didgeridoo show

Message par doodeaux »

hello dear didgeridoo friends.

it seems that i often have similar problem in the world of didgeridoo players.
i'd like to share some thoughts with you.

i know ondrej and he is a very good friend of mine. i have a special respect for him, one i would not discuss right now. he has had a influence on me, that is something i'm not trying to hide. but the biggest thing ondrej has done for me is that he opened my mind in the sense of approach to tube. he has never taught me technique. he didn't need to, the technique is natural to learn by itself. technique is a tool. but what are you going to play with technique? a song is an idea.

so i believe if you really listen to my composition of eg stinkirum as a piece of music, you won't find any other songs of any other musician in it. unless accidentaly. why is it so? because i made up rhythm, melody, composition, arrangement...
and for me it is much more work than technique exercise.

what i don't like in didge world and why i have kept a bit away from it is that people look/listen to things quite supreficial. if you moved back a little bit more, ALL didgeridoo players would sound the same. because they play didgeridoo. something abstract. like all violin players sound the same to people who don't play violin. but that is not very musical perspective. i don't read forums so i don't know what you are talking about, but this kind of talk is like saying zalem and gaultier sound the same, lies and marcus and michiel, andrea and mike, randy graves and graham whiggins, si and tom fronza and ten thousands of players , and the list could go on forever because you must think of all the unknown players...

so after i make a contribution to didge world by making one hour long theatre performance, with screenplay, acting, playing, scenography, you tell me that i should find something more personal to my playing. i'm sorry but i don't understand that way of thinking best and i don't find it very encouraging. do you know anything about me when you say things you say?

the didge music is in constant development, and if you want to help it develop you must listen carefully and try notice the diversity. this is a very young and small world compared to music in general. don't let it stay like that.

thanks for reading this long post i sincerely think it won't happen again.

dubravko lapaine

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Inscription : lun. 21 nov. 2005, 17:40
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Re: Storytellingstories -didgeridoo show

Message par freedoo »

doodeaux !
your show is great, your didjeridoo technic is perfect, and its great to know new player and performer i wrote to !
and effectivly i don't know you, and its why i am surprised by the similitude with the ondrej technic play. my english is not so good and by personnal i would like to say, same technic but not the same songs. and sometimes in your show if i close my eyes i hear ondrej, but its because i would like to play too like him and you !!
so sorry to have offense you, its not an attack !! abort !! abort !!!
welcome on FD !
and i you performed in the corner, i'll see you with great pleasure
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Re: Storytellingstories -didgeridoo show

Message par rudy de lyon »

welcome aboard mate!
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Re: Storytellingstories -didgeridoo show

Message par doodeaux »

hello again.

thanks for the compliments. freedoo your english is still much better than my french which is a shame parce que mes ancêtres étaient français.

i wasn't offended on a personal level, but it was this general approach of didg people that made me unhappy.

also, i don't consider myself to be any didgeridoo highness. my playing at the moment serves its purpose, it's the only one have, but i am on a never ending quest to learn how to play. like the guy from the cartoon is on a never ending quest to save his girlfriend.

i think anybody can play like this, or similar, if she or he determines to do so. i wanted to do so, i decided that i do not want to do anything else but it.

critics can be good, but i believe it must say why is something good or bad, better than compare. if comparing, then also why is something similar or different. in that way of speaking, people involved can learn. i know could learn from good critics especially if it's bad.

i am from croatia, and most probably i am not going to play the show anymore, it's too complicated for me at the moment. so you might never find out that something like that ever was in the didgeridoo world. this is why i shared the videos, and with this i ask you to be my witness. =)
the show looked a bit like this...

thank you for reading. i'm breaking longitude records. i'd love to come to france and do a workshop or just discuss thoughts in person. i think it would be a good thing.

i am a bit embaressed to write in english in french forum, je dois apprendre français encore!


dubravko lapaine

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Re: Storytellingstories -didgeridoo show

Message par clement74 »

Hello dubravko lapaine,
I love you play, and I would like so much see your show, the atmosphere looks very absorbing.
Thank you to share your video
i'd love to come to france and do a workshop
It would be a good idea, we wait for you!!
Good luck in the future
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Re: Storytellingstories -didgeridoo show

Message par doudou »

Yep !!

Welcome in FD ! :6:
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Re: Storytellingstories -didgeridoo show

Message par Mystical'Taipan »

Hey doodeaux
Bravo super son! :icon_clap: le spectacle à l'air d'avoir une super ambiance
bonne continuation
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Le polyglotte||La polyglotte
Le polyglotte||La polyglotte
Messages : 507
Inscription : lun. 21 nov. 2005, 17:40
Localisation : grenoble

Re: Storytellingstories -didgeridoo show

Message par freedoo »

parada ! ja se dam pivo nebo slevovice na tvuj zdravi doodeaux !!
hope to meet you soon ! mozni ja jdou croatia v leto pro dovoleno !
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Le discret||La discrète
Messages : 49
Inscription : ven. 07 mars 2008, 8:59
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Re: Storytellingstories -didgeridoo show

Message par doodeaux »

ha ha ha!
les mots quis je sais!
tres bon!
i ja cu pit u tvoje zdravlje freedoo! :icon_cafe: :icon_boire:
i remeber my grandfather saying
boire a petits goux, c'est doux!
we should listen to that wise man!

you are a very happy bunch as i can see, really nice welcome! thank you!

i hope there will be oportunity to meet in person. for a workshop, concert or whatever reason. if you get an idea, send an e-mail, it works very easily.

aha! now i remebered! i teach one workshop in amsterdam, aboriginal arts &instruments, on the 30th of march, (i think), and also in torino on andreas intensive workshops event, 25-27 april.i really recommend.
so if you are near, or not near but motivated, drop by.

take care didge friends!

dubravko lapaine

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Re: Storytellingstories -didgeridoo show

Message par rahan »

He he !

There's must be something special in the air in you part of the world to play like this :7:
I think i'm gonna come in Eastern Europe...

Very nice i love it :6:
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Re: Storytellingstories -didgeridoo show

Message par Zoila »

rahan a écrit :He he !

There's must be something special in the air in you part of the world to play like this :7:
I think i'm gonna come in Eastern Europe...

Very nice i love it :6:
it's the slivovica!
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Re: Storytellingstories -didgeridoo show

Message par secri »

Awesome performance !!!!

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