Je ne suis pas sûr d'avoir bien compris ta question... Le traducteur français de Google est assez mauvais !

I wouldn't say that good resonance is the typical quality of Djalu's work. Most of Djalu's yidakis have a conical bore with solid and thick walls, characteristics which tend to give a dry tone to the drone.jota a écrit :better quality of the resonance wall having the first third of didgeridoo 0.5 mm?
as it can get that color or timbre with Djalu didgeridoos.
Definitely : yes. I know some didgemakers that creates little channels in the first third of their instrument to give a rounder and more organic sound (=> reduce the higher overtones) to the drone.jota a écrit :the irregularity of the first third is that which affects that color?
jota a écrit :I'm using the google translator I think with better English .
thanks for responding very kind , I mean creating termites irregularities such as conducting channels , internal forms , irregularities that create changes in the length of the harmonic structure , recently start making my own instruments and want to be humbly and if possible to the ring with the Australian didjeridoos seem to snore , which are garish , and that must somehow be related to the structure of the channels ( the design) , I read a lot of literature ( frank Geipel ) in which focuses on the first third of length of the didgeridoo as a determinant of timbre ( maybe I'm wrong ) is more complex and probably wanted to know the extent of the possibilities that guide me to try to get to that timbre so hard to achieve. thanks