history of france didgeridoo?

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history of france didgeridoo?

Message par doodeaux »


i'm curious about one thing if somebody with little will and time can explain.

i know very little about france didgeridoo, i know only about two players. zalem and gauthier. and that i know only because they are famous, beyond french borders.
oh, i know for charly didgeridoo for some time, but i don't really know anything about it.
and this forum is really big, so i think there must be a big story behind.
if anyone is willing to tell it, i am willing to listen.:mrgreen:

dubravko lapaine
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Re: history of france didgeridoo?

Message par Titou »

Bonne idée ça! Dis Tonton Seb, Tu voudrais pas raconter aux nouveaux comment ça a commencé cette histoire?
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Re: history of france didgeridoo?

Message par francedidgeridoo »

Si bien sur, faut juste que je retrouve mon anglais car en Français, elle est déjà sur le site :8:
Campagne de lutte anti-sms : (message de la Fédération Française contre le langage SMS)

Et hop le didge... :icon_vert:
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Re: history of france didgeridoo?

Message par Titou »

Ah oui, le boulet! dans les posts importants en plus.... rigolez pas c'est l'age!
Doodeaux, c'est là : http://www.francedidgeridoo.com/topic42 ... didgeridoo
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Re: history of france didgeridoo?

Message par cm-t »

Code : Tout sélectionner

I repeat a small explanatory post as former posts have disappeared over the power outage post in the "bistro bush":

When France Didgeridoo and why was it created?

When: The designing of "francedidgeridoo.com" date of October 2001.

Why: I was looking for info on the didgeridoo since I débutais recently; off after a long search, I had a lot of information recoltées here and there on a package of websites, in English and French , but nothing on a centralized site in French and a lot of things to sort. Fortunately, at that time I cotoyais quite a few people from the mid-didge, thanks to numerous concerts on the barge "Declic" and thanks to the Boomerang group, which invited me to all their concerts. I believe that if I had been alone in my corner, adventure France Didgeridoo never started.

In short, I have therefore decided in October 2001 to make a synthesis of everything I had recolté, and especially to put all this information within the reach of as many words expressed with my beginner.

Initially, just as topics currently are found on the home page: Australia, the Aborigines, history of the didgeridoo, play the didgeridoo, etc ...

Over the months, the site has come enriched by a "concert" with the dates of concerts in Paris, a very simplified forum (at the end of the didge), and a directory of players.

My meeting with Didjaman prompted me to continue in this direction. It was one of the 1st to believe in FD, and helped me a lot to promote the site.
The world of french didge was a toddler at that time, and many were rivalries and discord. I believe that the impartiality of the project as well as my vision for novice contributed to the success of France Didgeridoo.

Thus, after 2 years of maturity, I completely redesigned the site. I left on the famous lines from the beginning that constituted a sort of fond of Commerce FD, but I chose to give the site a true interactive side: the didge is not primarily an instrument of meeting and dialogue?

On 21 February 2003 was born the new France Didgeridoo around this famous forum that you all know.

The launch of the forum was not alone. Thanks to the involvement and the tenacity of its first member (and yes, our famous member Benefactors), the forum was very quickly enriched by a wealth of information. Without the help of these Members 1st, the pump would probably never been amorçée (big up to them Olla)

Of course, over time, many technical improvements and graphs have emerged. D'hosts in hosts, increases in place an increase of up Didgeridoo France has become a reliable and fast.

Finally, and to conclude this post, last year was the 1st launched a series of t-shirts to promote the "FD spirit" and since the beginning of this year, the famous cards Members FD. And yes, thanks to his notoriety, France Didgeridoo is now a partner with many didgmakers which offer significant reductions for owners of the card FD.

The final word: thank you and congratulations to all of you for this success 6
ca c'est le post de http://www.francedidgeridoo.com/topic4263.html en anglais baclé ( http://www.google.com/translate_t )
( it is the google traduction of the history )

Re: history of france didgeridoo?

Message par Zoila »

impressionnant ce qui est réalisé en 6 ans

(Octobre, 2001: quand mon garcon est né) :6:
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Re: history of france didgeridoo?

Message par francedidgeridoo »

C'est un signe Zoila :mrgreen:
Campagne de lutte anti-sms : (message de la Fédération Française contre le langage SMS)

Et hop le didge... :icon_vert:

Re: history of france didgeridoo?

Message par Zoila »

Oui ! Un vent spécial :1:
(translation of my limited French: yes, it is a sign! a special wind was blowing then)
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Inscription : ven. 07 mars 2008, 8:59
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Re: history of france didgeridoo?

Message par doodeaux »

interesting to see how each country has its story which is somewhat similar and somewhat different.
thank you for your answer!

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