Yidaki-Workshop avec Jeremy Cloake le 20 juin à Zurich

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Messages : 69
Inscription : dim. 29 mai 2005, 18:21
Localisation : Zurich, Suisse
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Yidaki-Workshop avec Jeremy Cloake le 20 juin à Zurich

Message par yirdakiman »

Serious Sticks is organizing a yidaki tuition workshop with Jeremy Cloake in Zurich,
Switzerland on June 20, 2009.

Jeremy Cloake is regarded by many as one of the worlds most innovative,
powerful and accomplished non-aboriginal Yidaki players. He studied Yolngu
Yidaki with master Yidaki players and makers in North East Arnhemland for 4
years, where he further developed his unique style of playing

He's also the author of the highly acclaimed "Balanda Yidaki Dhukarr"
tuition CD (available from Serious Sticks, http://www.serioussticks.com/jc_cd.php?language=en) and his workshop will build and
expand on the techniques that are described there.

It is a 6 hr, one day workshop and as anyone who has already done a workshop with
Jeremy will know,every minute of these 6 hours is valuable.

The workshop takes place in the "Quartierhaus Kreis 6" ( http://www.unterstrass.ch/quartierhaus.html ) at Langmauerstrasse
7, 8006 Zurich, Switzerland ( http://maps.google.ch/maps?f=q&source=s ... iwloc=addr ) and starts at 10am.

The workshop costs EUR 120.- / CHF 180.- for the whole day and there are
discounts available for yidaki students that have already done a workshop
with Jeremy.

The number of participants is limited so to avoid disappointment, make your reservation soon (by e-mail to info*at*serioussticks.com)
if you're planning on coming.

See you there!
Serious Sticks
Finest Authentic Aboriginal Didgeridoos

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