Workshops avec Jeremy Cloake à Zürich, 29/30 août et 5/6 sep

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Inscription : dim. 29 mai 2005, 18:21
Localisation : Zurich, Suisse
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Workshops avec Jeremy Cloake à Zürich, 29/30 août et 5/6 sep

Message par yirdakiman »

Comme Jeremy enseignera pas en France cette année, je me permet de publier ça ici:

Dear all

We're organizing two separate yidaki tuition workshop week-ends with Jeremy Cloake in Zurich, Switzerland on August 29/30 and September 5/6!

Jeremy Cloake is regarded by many as one of the worlds most innovative, powerful and accomplished non-aboriginal Yidaki players. He studied Yolngu Yidaki with master Yidaki players and makers in North East Arnhemland for 4 years, where he further developed his unique style of playing

He's also the author of the highly acclaimed "Balanda Yidaki Dhukarr" tuition CD (available from Serious Sticks) and his workshop will build and expand on the techniques that are described on there.

On each week-end, there are 2 separate workshops

The basic building blocks workshops will take place on Saturdays Aug 29 or Sep 5. The price for this workshop is EUR 120.- / CHF 180.- (or EUR 80.- / CHF 120.- for people who have already taken the basic building blocks workshop and want to repeat it). Please note that these are not necessarily beginners' workshops but are about the essential basic elements of yidaki playing.

In addition to that, there will be advanced workshops on Sundays, Aug 30 or Sep 6. The advanced workshops are only open to people who have already done the basic building blocks workshopwith Jeremy, be it with us on Saturday or anywhere else in the past. The price for the advanced workshops is EUR 120.- / CHF 180.- as well (or EUR 80.- / CHF 120.- for people who have already taken the advanced workshop and want to repeat it).

Jeremy is kindly offering a considerable discount for all those who would like to attend the "basic building blocks" and the "advanced" workshop at one week-end.

The week-end package costs EUR 160.- / CHF 240.- instead of EUR 240.- / CHF 360.-

The workshops on Aug 29/30 take place in the "Quartierhaus Kreis 6" at Langmauerstrasse 7, 8006 Zurich, Switzerland and starts at 10am. If you're interested in doing both workshops with us on the weekend, a list of accommodations nearby can be found > HERE < (the green arrow indicates the workshop location).

The workshops on Sep 5/6 take place at the "Gemeinschaftszentrum Buchegg" at Bucheggstrasse 93 in Zürich.

The workshops start at 10am. The workshop room is the entry hall to the library ("Bibliothek"), see the lower picture on here

The number of participants is limited so to avoid disappointment, make your reservations soon (by forum PM or e-mail) if you're planning on coming. And please indicate on which week-end you would like to come and whether you would like to take the "basic building blocks", the "advanced" or both workshops.

See you there!
Serious Sticks
Finest Authentic Aboriginal Didgeridoos

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